The TAA Hi-End Audio Show, a well-respected Hi-End Audio show in Taiwan began this year on the 10th September.

While the TAA is celebrating their 30th Anniversary of the show, the German Hi-End manufacturer Burmester has their first live demo in Asia for their new flagship loudspeaker, the BC350. Sitting at the zenith of their new Signature line, it was put through its paces with a full Burmester frontend, demonstrating what is possible at the cutting edge.

Tuned by Dr. Tsai, one of the most respected high-end audio professionals in Taiwan, the system's performance has amazed show goers with listeners claiming a better experience than at the HIGH END Munich.
With a velvety top-end extension, a swift-yet-focused bottom-end and a highly lifelike soundstage, it is a must hear at the show.

Montaudio is proud to have the Stewart SR Reference Speaker Cable chosen as the pairing with the Burmester BC350 for the live demonstration, following an extensive auditioning process involving numerous speaker cables from world-renowned brands. Listeners were astounded at the performance of the Stewart SR as it clearly punched well above its price point and outperformed its competitors.

Photos by: MY-HiEND.COM
For more photos and information, please visit
Special TAA Show Coverage written by Next Audio Australia